Recruitment & Retention

Here’s why TA pro Mandi Spindler changed her company’s approach to recruitment

“It’s just an outcome of what good partnership looks like between hiring managers and recruiters.”
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Mandi Spindler

5 min read

Here’s this week’s edition of our Coworking series. Each week, we chat 1:1 with an HR Brew reader. Want to be featured in an upcoming edition? Click here to introduce yourself.

When Ulteig, a North Dakota-based engineering company, noticed recruiters for its civil division weren’t getting many responses from candidates, the team got to thinking: What if the hiring manager sent out the recruiting message instead? The response rate was “just amazing” compared to when the recruiters did the outreach, Ulteig Talent Director Mandi Spindler found. Talented engineers regularly get dozens of messages from recruiters, but when they get a nod from a director, they’re more likely to respond, she said. So, Spindler revamped the hiring process and trained hiring managers in candidate outreach. While it’s not yet standard practice at the firm, recruiters now help find candidates, provide hiring managers with scripts, and let the hiring managers take the reins. “We’re in an engineering business, but we aren’t engineers,” Spindler said.

Spindler’s been at Ulteig since June 2019, leading the company’s recruiting team, DE&I efforts, company culture, and talent management. She has worked to foster more connectivity between employees and their managers, even requiring face-to-face, in-person time, which she said is “key for organizations to be able to be successful in the hybrid environment.”

What’s the best change you’ve made at work?

The best change I’ve implemented in a role was at Ulteig as we transitioned into our new hybrid work environment after the pandemic. We realized a flexible work arrangement worked well for us, but our people were craving more connection as we were more physically dispersed. We listened to their needs and feedback and quickly implemented a task force to develop solutions that would create greater connectivity at the location, team, department, and company levels.

We learned the greatest influencers of connectivity were employees’ direct managers and their team members, so we implemented several solutions such as leadership training to increase conversations, a non-negotiable that each team meets in person at least once a year, stipends for team building experiences…and prioritized ongoing employee connectivity feedback.

We have continued to invest in technology that connects employees across the organization. We have leveraged technology to create virtual communities for our employees to interact with each other in a capacity beyond their day-to-day work, focused on common interests.

We’re now better than ever at meeting our employees where they’re at—geographically, virtually, mentally, and socially.

What’s the biggest misconception people might have about your job?

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People hear “human resources,” and they immediately think I hire and fire people. But really, my role is so much more than that. HR adds value to employees, leadership, and overall organizational experience. As Ulteig continues to move through this phase of growth, our team has been dedicated to planning for how we can efficiently evolve to meet the needs of our employees and sustain the momentum with appropriate talent—all while maintaining employee connection, engagement, and experience.

What’s the most fulfilling aspect of your job?

The most fulfilling part of my job is the ability to impact organizational growth and develop a workplace culture where people thrive. I am surrounded by innovative thinkers who inspire creative solutions to organizational challenges. Being able to partner with them on strategies to enrich workplace culture and advance the interviewing experience allows us to develop targeted solutions based on sector. For example, in the civil sector, we saw prospective candidates were more responsive when contacted by a hiring manager instead of a talent recruiter. So, we shifted our talent recruitment approach, partnering directly with leaders in this sector on a LinkedIn strategy based solely on candidate feedback.

What trend in HR are you most optimistic about? Why?

One trend in HR I am most optimistic about is integrating automation and technology into our daily roles. The integration of automation and technology into HR processes holds immense potential for improving efficiency and enhancing the overall experience for both the HR team and prospective/current employees. More and more HR tasks can be automated using new technology, allowing HR professionals to focus on strategic and value-added responsibilities. Routine and time-consuming tasks such as data entry and scheduling can be streamlined through automation, freeing up our time to concentrate on more critical aspects of our roles that require a personalized touch.

What trend in HR are you least optimistic about? Why?

One trend in HR I am least optimistic about is the insistence on going back to the office full-time. While some people may enjoy working in a traditional office setting, it is important to recognize that preferences regarding work environments can vary significantly among individuals, departments, and organizations. Some individuals may prefer the flexibility and autonomy remote work offers. It allows them to tailor their work environment to their needs and achieve a better work-life balance. Mandating full-time office work may lead to decreased job satisfaction and employee morale for those who value the freedom and productivity associated with remote work.

Quick-to-read HR news & insights

From recruiting and retention to company culture and the latest in HR tech, HR Brew delivers up-to-date industry news and tips to help HR pros stay nimble in today’s fast-changing business environment.