That hurts
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What to consider when considering outplacement services.
August 03, 2023 View Online | Sign Up

HR Brew

Greetings, readers. If you’re looking for an excuse to quit your day job, the Mega Millions jackpot currently stands at $1.25 billion—the fourth-largest prize in the lottery’s history. Can’t win (or retire early to the Bahamas) if you don’t play!

In today’s edition:

A helping hand

Decisions, decisions

Legislative lowdown

—Courtney Vinopal, Kristen Parisi


Lessen the blow of layoffs

Illustration of employees walking toward a door with boxes in hand. Mathisworks/Getty Images

Layoffs can be one of the most stressful events in an employee’s life. Such decisions are stressful for HR pros, too, even if they’re not impacted themselves.

“HR people didn’t get into HR to let go of folks,” Bob Goodwin, president of Career Club, told HR Brew. “It’s a crappy day for them, too.”

One way some companies seek to soften the blow of layoffs is by offering outplacement services to affected employees, with the aim of assisting them in their next job search. Goodwin’s company offers outplacement, as does The Muse, a career platform that launched an outplacement arm in June. Outplacement services can range from résumé reviews to networking to interview coaching.

Ultimately, the goal of outplacement is to place laid-off employees in new jobs, but it’s important not to overlook the emotional needs of these workers, too. Outplacement providers offered a few tips for HR pros considering investing in the service.

Think about why you’re investing in outplacement. When companies invest in outplacement, it can sometimes come off as merely checking a box, so that it’s able to say it did something good for laid-off workers, Goodwin said.

Employers may also offer outplacement as part of a severance deal, which can be seen as a move to reduce their liability, according to Sarah Johnston, an executive résumé writer and founder of Briefcase Coach. “They think that if they offer outplacement services, then perhaps they will maybe mitigate any issues that they may have with employees who feel disgruntled,” she said.

To avoid these perceptions, it’s worth thinking through and articulating your department’s decision to invest in them.

Keep reading here.—CV



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DE&I pushback

Image of several young girls all of different races, standing firmly, holding signs in support of diversity Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Amid the continuing discourse surrounding affirmative action and workplace diversity programs, some believe DE&I efforts will fizzle like an open bottle of Coke on a hot day. However, one expert told HR Brew that the majority of companies will likely stay the course.

What’s happening? At the end of June, the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action programs at universities, ruling that race can no longer be considered in the admissions process.

Shortly after, Republican attorneys general sent corporations a letter suggesting that workplace diversity programs are discriminatory and could be unlawful.

However, “the bottom line is that the SCOTUS decision on affirmative action has no legal effect on workplace law. Hiring and firing decisions cannot be impacted by protected traits, period. This has been the case for a long time,” according to Laura Mattiacci, a lawyer and co-managing partner at Console Mattiacci Law, who spoke to CBS MoneyWatch.

The SCOTUS decision and letter arrive amid a backlash against corporate diversity programs, and as some DE&I jobs have been eliminated since the start of 2023.

Perception mixed with reality. Chandra Robinson, director of HR at Gartner, said that the company has been “inundated with” requests for advice about DE&I programs since the ruling. She said that one of the false assumptions about DE&I programs is that they prioritize one group of people over another.

Keep reading here.—KP



Hazardous conditions

Legislative Lowdown recurring feature illustration Francis Scialabba

July was the hottest month on record, bringing the acute dangers many workers face in the heat into focus. On July 27, the Biden administration put employers on alert, reminding them of their responsibilities to protect workers in these conditions.

Here’s what HR pros should know about that alert, as well as about new reporting requirements and AI guidance for workers with visual disabilities.

DOL issues hazard alert. As temperatures soared in parts of the Southwest, Midwest, and Northeast, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued a hazard alert reminding employers of their responsibilities to protect workers in the heat.

The alert, which was issued at the request of President Biden, states that “employers have a legal and moral responsibility not to assign work in high heat conditions without protections in place for workers.” To comply with federal law, it recommends that employers:

  • ensure workers have access to water, rest, and shade
  • allow new or returning workers time to build up tolerance to the heat
  • train employees on preventing and responding to heat illness

The administration also signaled that the DOL will step up inspections of companies in “high-risk industries like construction and agriculture” for heat safety violations. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) doesn’t yet have a heat-specific workplace standard, though it has been developing one.

EEOC issues guidance on AI for individuals with visual disabilities. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released updated guidance for employers who use algorithms or AI in their decision-making.

Keep reading here.—CV




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A desktop computer plugged into a green couch. Francis Scialabba

Today’s top HR reads.

Stat: US workers are aiming to save an average of $1.8 million for retirement, up from $1.7 million a year ago, according to a Charles Schwab survey of 401(k) participants. (Bloomberg)

Quote: “We’re here, we’re back—it’s working…I don’t have data to back it up, but I know it’s better.”—Mike Hopkins, SVP of Amazon Video and Studios, on the company’s RTO mandate, according to a recording of a staff meeting (Insider)

Read: Young people are unprepared to meet the demands of their jobs as they enter the workforce due to the limits of remote learning, according to managers in industries like retail and engineering. (the Wall Street Journal)


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